I've discovered one of the best places to take candid photos. It's rather interesting to see how much more relaxed people are and how much more willing to have photos shot of them with just a drink or two. Happy hour avails itself to so many unique and different photos that it was VERY difficult to decide on one from the evening. The story of the evening can be told in the faces but also in the setting. The empty glasses and bare spinach dip bowl do a wonderful job of illustrating the fun of the evening. I mean, how can you have spinach dip and not have fun?! Plus, for purposes of this project, it makes more sense to not put photos up of faces. Better to protect their identities since I did not get permission from each of them. The lesson here is that no matter the setting, there are cool photo opportunities. I really do need to have my camera on me at all times, if possible.
Just remember the little people when you are famous...