Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Project 365: #350 - From the Pier

350 of 365 by caliguyinmn
350 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
I don't know that I could ask for much more the day after Christmas. It was a balmy 72 degrees down at Balboa, an absolutely perfect day for taking photos at the beach. So, that is just what I did. It was very tough to decide which photo to select but this one was for sure one of my favorites. The way the sun glimmered on the water was a sight that made me downright giddy. Not only was it a bright, sunny day but there were a lot of people out enjoying the beach, which made for a bunch of fun photos. I do miss the beach and wish I had not taken it for granted so, but I will take every chance I can to enjoy it on my trips back to the sunshine state.

Project 365: #349 - Stars in So Cal

349 of 365 by caliguyinmn
349 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
Now that I am (or was) caught up, I decided to start the last two weeks with one of my favorite type photos, star trails. I never noticed before this weekend that there are actually quite a number of stars visible from my backyard. So, with the weather bottoming out at just below 50 degrees I knew I had to take advantage of the warmer weather and get a shot of stars. Is it the ideal location? Nope, but it still provided me more than enough opportunity to practice. I do know now that it is much better if there weren't the light pollution. Next time, I am going out to the desert where the only light is that of the stars themselves. I will definitely be trying this a number of times once the weather warms up. The countdown to summer begins!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Project 365: #296-348 - Christmas Catch Up

As promised, here is the slideshow that officially will have you and me caught up to December 24th, 2011. I hope you enjoy the photos. It is crazy to look back over the last 50+ days and see the photos each day. With only 2 weeks left, I am finding it hard to believe that I am that close to the end. A lot of photos have been taken, but more importantly, a lot of life has been lived. Thank you all for following the blog. I am excited for what photos I'll create still. Stay tuned!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas Treat - Input Needed

323 of 365 by caliguyinmn
323 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
Ok, I know. I have been very bad over the last month or two about my daily posts. In fact, I can't even recall the last time I did one. Shameful, yes, but not completely unforgiveable I hope. Life has just gotten more busy than I had anticipated, filling up with photo sessions, get togethers with friends, unexpected trips and a few other pleasant surprises. Not to worry though, I have not dropped the ball completely. In fact, I have stayed the course and am only a few weeks away from successful completion of Project 365. So, I know I will not have the capacity to post each photo individually. Instead, before Christmas I will be posting a slideshow that will include each photo taken since my last post. I will do my best to keep it to one song in length. This is where I am asking for input. What song would you most like to hear playing while the photos are revealed? Stay tuned to see the slideshow and hear which song will be accompanying it!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Project 365: #296 - Toppings

295 of 365 by caliguyinmn
295 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
Look at the greasy awesomeness. Ok, so admittedly as I type this, that really doesn't look as appetizing as the night I ordered it. This, like a few others, is not my only pizza photo in the collection. However, I wanted to try to work on a few skills both in composition and post-processing, and pizza has a glimmer to it that makes for a good food shot in nearly any lighting. Yes, that's because of the very same grease that at times tastes amazing and at others makes you feel sick. In fact, many photographers who shoot foods add a greasy substance to them to make them look more appealing. Well seeing as how I did not have ready access to some of the tricks of the trade, it was fortunate that their service was not needed. Good thing I have a few more food shots to come!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Project 365: #295 - Guilty Look

294 of 365 by caliguyinmn
294 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
I am very familiar with this look on Oliver's face. This is the look I get every night as I sit down to eat my dinner. This look means he has either attempted to or will attempt to get in my face and try to share my dinner with me. He plays innocent, but behind those big eyes lies nothing but mischief. He is just waiting for the optimal moment to pounce. At dinner he is not that bad, but at breakfast, he sees it as his golden opportunity. I'm in a hurry so he thinks I won't pay as close attention and as soon as I go to drink the remaining milk from the bowl he is up in there trying to get a piece of the action. The worst part is that it really is cute no matter how mad I try to be. Who can stay mad at the face for too long?

Project 365: #294 - Inspiration

293 of 365 by caliguyinmn
294 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
When I picked up Steve Jobs' biography, I knew I wanted to incorporate into my photo that day. I didn't want it to be just a stand alone photo of the book but I really wanted to be creative. So after meeting up with some friends at BW3 (still have some solid wings!), I had one of them hold it up in front of his face. It was ok, but as soon as he put his hood over it, it went to a whole new level. I'm not thrilled about the reflection, but still it's kind of cool in my eyes. That's something I rarely say about my photos just taken on the spot in less than ideal lighting. I suppose you put Steve Jobs in any setting though and the ordinary is transformed into the extraordinary.

Project 365: #293 - Glass of Petals

292 of 365 by caliguyinmn
292 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
I find it fascinating how flowers, dried and dead, still remain beautiful. They are not the same at all, far more fragile, but still hold on to the fleeting color. I actually prefer photographing dried petals than freshly plucked ones. There is a texture and gradient that just does not exist in a living flower. I am just amazed by how great God really is. Who else could have ever dreamed of something as wonderful as beauty among what is dead? Selfishly, as a photographer, I thank God for the changing from life to death that occurs in nature. It is the very same thing that make the amazing colors of fall so pleasing to the eye and through the lens.

Project 365: #292 - Not-so Scarecrow

291 of 365 by caliguyinmn
291 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
I can't believe I took this only 5 weeks ago. The exact scene looks much different now with snow, candy canes and a snowman in the place of this guy. As a homeowner I am now a part of a neighborhood. I suppose owning a house doesn't make this so, but I definitely did not consider it when renting apartments and duplexes. We have a neighborhood watch and beautification efforts like decorating the planter on my corner. This small thing goes a long way in making the neighborhood feel like a welcoming environment. It's funny how something so minute in action can have such a big impact.

Project 365: #291 - Dusk on the Dock

290 of 365 by caliguyinmn
290 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
This photo isn't perfect. In fact, there is a lot I would love to do differently, maybe even better. However, there is this tension that I love about this photo. Notice Ryan sitting peacefully looking off as the sun dips below the horizon. Yet, the clouds and water are anything but calm. The lake has been disrupted by the motor of a boat that just went out for one last spin before the impending storm unleashed its fury. Sometimes the photos I initially discard because they were not my exact intended composition are the very ones I look back on days or weeks later and see with new eyes. The tension of this photo caught me far differently when I decided to use it for the project than it did when including it in the photos I gave to Ryan for the last of his senior photos. Look at those discarded photos and you might see something you had missed!