Thursday, March 31, 2011

Project 365: #83 - Take Your Daughter to Work Day

83 of 365 by caliguyinmn
83 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
Ok, so no, it was not actually "Take Your Daughter to Work Day as far as I know. But that was the exact thought I had as I saw Ariana in Seth's office with Nancy and her mom. She almost looks like she intently listening and paying attention to what she is being told. However, I notice too the look of a child who has heard and sat long enough. She wanted to move. So I took some candid photos through the office window. She has got to be one of the cutest babies out there right now. And even better, she is so calm and mild-mannered. I loved being able to shoot her again but man do I want to do outdoor sessions with natural light. This indoor stuff, especially without flash is starting to get to me. Give me sunlight, warmth and long days and I will be content.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Project 365: #82 - Off Duty

82 of 365 by caliguyinmn
82 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
It was slightly warmer today and I made it out right after work for a walk around the lake. People were out running, walking, biking and even kids playing on the playground. However, among all this activity there was still something sorely lacking. I was by a lake and yet there was no lifeguard on duty. Not only was there no lifeguard around, but even had there been, the lifeguard boat was still chained and locked to the tower. Now let's just say that it had not been. It wouldn't have mattered anyway because the lake is still just a large sheet of ice and I don't know any boats without motors that stand the slightest chance.I really was attracted to the detail of the boat, from the scratched paint to the rusted rivets. Sometimes beauty isn't what is immediately pleasing to the eye but only visible in the most intricate of details.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Project 365: #81 - Bullseye

81 of 365 by caliguyinmn
81 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
Today I knew I wanted to use the 430EX II and the new flash diffuser. I bought the diffuser because even bouncing flash off of walls and ceilings can still produce a harsh, direct light. The diffuser softens the light noticeably. To test it I shot this in the basement of my place with no provided light. I set the flash and camera to TTL to let the camera decide the right amount of light, shooting at f/2.5 and 1/60. Normally any flash, off camera or not, the subject is very bright and does not have natural shadows. With the diffuser it clearly does. Where you can really see this is in the wings of the darts. They are evenly lit and it looks so darn natural. Even looking beyond the darts to the board behind it, you can see the same gradient of light as in the foreground. I am very glad I bought this diffuser and will be using it a lot in portraits and events, indoors and outside. Still learning, still growing!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Project 365: #80 - x100

80 of 365 by caliguyinmn
80 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
Today I received my new carrying case for my camera. Oh my word, how I am going to enjoy using this. Not only is it approved for carry-on luggage, it also can be pulled out and used as a backpack. There is not much I can find that I would change on this. It has a TSA lock, compartment for the Mac, holds ALL of the equipment including a tripod and is just really well put together. I am not particularly excited about the photo itself, but the subject makes this photo a keeper. I now have a sturdy, reliable carrying case that still allows room for growth as needed. Today's photo is an example of a less than ideal photo still being one that stands out. Whether I take the shot of a person, place or thing, if it triggers an emotional response, it has done its job. I doubt that many of you will be as excited about this as I am, but I am thrilled to have this fine piece of luggage protecting my gear in a car, train boat or plane.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Project 365: #79 - Glowing Gate

79 of 365 by caliguyinmn
79 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
Today I was intentional about shooting at sunset. I wanted to get the extreme light/shadow effect and I think I did pretty well, especially with this photo. I really like the way the sun washes out the gate to complete white. I also am a fan of the color palette God gave me to work with. It was a perfect orange, pink and purple combination the sunset created and I remember why I love photography as the sun dips below the horizon. It creates such a great edgy sort of mood. I was using today to get a better feel for how light behaves at sunset so that when I do photo shoots, I know what times provide the best angle of light. As it warms up, I will start getting to photograph people. I suppose I might be one of the few crazies who will go outside just for a good photo.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Project 365: #78 - One Way

78 of 365 by caliguyinmn
78 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
Somedays you just have to force yourself outside even when it's below freezing in late March. I'll be honest, it's really starting to get to me. But, that's not going to stop me from continuing to develop skills and learn my camera. So I went out for a walk around Lake Calhoun. The breeze was frigid and there were not many people crazy enough to be out there, leaving empty walking paths. I know shots like the one I got will not be happening this summer just because of all the foot and bike traffic. I really focused today on drawing the viewer into the photo and being symbolic. I think both were well executed especially with the use of black and white. I think everyone who sees this picture will have a different story running through their head. That is probably the coolest aspect of concept photography. The photographer has a vision of the story they are trying to tell, but everybody can interpret it differently. Enjoy!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Project 365: #77 - Frozen Bay

77 of 365 by caliguyinmn
77 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
So after taking a number of good shots while at a bowling event today, I decided I rather do something different. I wanted to go back to one of my favorite place and introduce the 20D to a place it can expect to be quite often this summer. I absolute love Excelsior, and despite it being completely frozen over still, I wanted to make sure to get a photo I didn't just like. I wanted to get a photo I really, really loved. This photo is just that shot. Long exposures are a blast to see come together with good composition. Not only did I like the scene itself but also really liked the flare of the lamppost. I did do a little bit of editing getting a nice icy look to the photo, but I promise, this does a much better job of conveying the cold than a warm, orangish photo that the available light provided. If I'm going to keep getting shots I really love, I need to find them. They are not going to find me.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Project 365: #76 - Commute

76 of 365 by caliguyinmn
76 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
Again, I was relegated to staying indoors between that thing called work and temperatures that still are barely flirting with 30 degrees. So, I thought to myself, "Self, how can I get a different kind of photograph today?" As I rode into work I saw the downtown skyline in a new way; through a frosted windshield. Rather than focus on the buildings I thought the look of the traffic lights blurred with a blurred skyline was really uniquely interesting. It's not all that much like anything I've shot so far. It's abstract which isn't my preferred style, but it definitely offers its own cool look. I am curious too see what other opportunities I come across to compose abstract shots. Unfortunately, this is not my forte so I doubt there will be much more like this, but I hope you enjoy today's photo. For tomorrow's photo think "bowling shoes".

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Project 365: #75 - Sad Puppy Dog Eyes

75 of 365 by caliguyinmn
75 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
As promised, no snow. At least there isn't in the photo, but sadly more than enough fell to make us all think we were getting to go through another round of winter. Anyway, today there was a golden lab running on the trail all alone with no one near her. So, Monte called to her and she came running. She was a runaway. There is no telling how long she was outside and on the loose, but she was the most well-behaved dog I have ever seen. She was a sweet dog glad to be brought inside and given some water. At the point I took this photo she put her head on the floor and gave the sad look I captured. It's kind of crazy to be able to see that just from the eyes. Well, the local police came and picked her up and were able to locate her family. All is well, but it did remind me of how badly I want a dog of my own, especially a lab. They are by far some of the best dogs.... and subjects for an impromptu photo.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Project 365: #74 - Just a Tease

74 of 365 by caliguyinmn
74 of 365 a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
Don't be fooled. No, don't even think that this signifies the end of winter. Yes, it is a few days into spring according to the calendar, but a few inches of snow will tell a different story in the morning. That is why today's photo is of raindrops on the window. It was so very nice to see them, even if for just a day. In fact, tonight as I type this it is pouring. I really enjoy the intricate details of the minute drops. Getting the focus perfect is no easy task, and I can definitely see room for improvement. I want to better compose what I am shooting that is beyond the window to create a more stunning photo. I am glad that I was able to change the perspective today. I'll tell you right now that I refuse to photograph anything relating to snow tomorrow. I refuse, I tell you. I refuse!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Project 365: #73 - Waiting

73 of 365 by caliguyinmn
73 of 365 a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
As winter fades and spring struggles to break through, benches like the one you see are patiently waiting to be sat on once more. All over the local park benches like this have gone vacant all winter. Well in just a few short weeks we will all be out of our houses wanting little more than to sit on a bench and just be outside. Soon this bench will be sat on by couples of all ages just talking and parents watching their kids play on the jungle gym. It will gladly endure the hot rays of the sun and the rainstorms just to finally be used for its intended purpose. Finally I was able to go outside and spend time really framing and composing a shot. You may think I'm crazy, but that is something I have been dying to do. Just to be out in weather that is tolerable while there was daylight to be intentional and allow my perfectionist side to shine. I just can't wait to get better and more efficient at taking the ideal photo. Ah summer I long for you!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Project 365: #72 - Encore

72 of 365 by caliguyinmn
72 of 365 a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
Today's photo was intentionally with two items I've previously used. I was experimenting with the aperture, depth of field and how distance could affect the look of the whole photo. I really like how sharp the cards are while the candle is softly out of focus. It makes the cards stand out so much more than if the background subject was in focus. The reason I was playing with depth of field was to practice with the new 50mm f/1.4. It really does make a significant difference in picture quality and was a good upgrade. It's kinda crazy to see how I've learned what the 50mm lenses can do and how to make the most of them. The more I've taken photos the more I am intrigued the possibilities and continue to see the world in a new way. I bet I could come back to this same scene and see something entirely different in another couple months.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Project 365: #71 - City Living

71 of 365 by caliguyinmn
71 of 365 a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
Tonight was only the third time I've not take a photo with my 20D, but that wasn't going to keep me from taking a photo. Although I don't use it much my Incredible still takes decent shots. I was actually reminded that there are a minimum of two components to a good photo; the camera and the photographer. You can have the best camera known to man, but if you as the one taking the shot don't know how to get what you want out of it, it means nothing. This photo was taken from the patio atop sky-rise apartments where a friend of mine lives. The view from the middle of downtown Minneapolis is quite obviously filled with lights and skyscrapers. But it is one I don't regularly get to see and I think there is a ton of potential for a more elaborate shoot. Although the photo is full of noise, I love the reflection off the neighboring buildings and beams of lights from the streetlights below. Living deep in the city sure is different than living in the suburbs.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Project 365: #70 - Turning Over a New Leaf

70 of 365 by caliguyinmn
70 of 365 a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
Today I made a decision, one that hopefully will have a good impact on my life going forward. I am done with diet soda. No, I am not giving up caffeine. I'm not crazy people. I'm not in a position to deal with the effects that would cause my body to go through. However, I'm done with aspartame. So, tea is my new source of caffeine. It is a healthier option and honestly, tastes quite good. I went out tonight and got an iced tea maker and made a fine pitcher of good ol' Lipton iced tea. I knew I wanted a shot of my cold glass of iced tea, but I didn't want the same old thing. I have used a similar perspective on a candle, but this one's a bit different. Looking at it this way, you really can't tell how full the glass is. It looks completely full, but it is well over half gone. You also can't make out that the glass is a tall bar glass. I love playing with depth of field, but have never really tried playing with perspective simultaneously. There is a lot of fun to be had!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Project 365: #69 - High Jumpin'

69 of 365 by caliguyinmn
69 of 365 a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
So after waking up with a headache this morning, I was still able to make it out to the St. Patrick's Day parade in St. Paul. And am I ever glad I did. It was a blast to see everyone dressed up in green, leprechaun outfits and repping their Irish heritage. The photo for today is of a "bouncing" team from St. Paul. Apparently they bounce, and bounce really high. They were catapulting members high in the air as they performed various poses. To get this shot, I was using "Al Servo" mode on my camera, where it tracks movement of the subject and is constantly attempting to keep it in focus. I'm glad I had that feature for today because people were moving constantly. (I try to mention what most people would consider very obvious.) Anyway, so here is my favorite shot. As for editing, I think it helped to remove background colors. She deserves to stand out!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Project 365: #68 - Almost, Eloise

68 of 365 by caliguyinmn
68 of 365 a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
As I walked by Target Field tonight on my way to the ramp, I did something crazy. I went outside to get a look at the stadium and the snow that has not completely melted. When I was on the pavilion I was struck by the expressions on the statue of Carl and Eloise Polad. It's as if they came to the ballpark and realized that it was closed. Carl seems to have a look of mild disappointment and Eloise is looking at him as if to say, "When will the team be playing again?" Well rest assured one and all, we are but weeks away from baseball being back for the summer. I really liked the shadows that the late afternoon sun cast. It helps create a mood of sadness, especially when you notice the snow still in the background. Soon the pavilion will be packed with eager and excited fans and Carl and Eloise will be just faces in the crowd. But for now, they take center stage as the #1 fans of their Minnesota Twins.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Project 365: #67 - Streams of Light

67 of 365 by caliguyinmn
67 of 365 a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
I really enjoy long exposures because of the effects light can create when you leave the shutter open for extended periods of time. However, to get the shot that you really connect with, it can take numerous attempts. Needless to say, there have been few days over the last five months that have been suited for spending much time standing outside. Well I think (fingers crossed on both hands) those days are behind us. Tonight I went on an overpass facing toward the SLP water tower and let loose the shutter. I am a fan of the way the lights portray motion. You can almost imagine the cars zooming by. The next time I shoot a similar type shot it will be with a much tighter aperture and a more deliberate spot as I aim to go for the "Wow!" factor. I'm excited there will be many more nights of outdoor shooting to come!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Project 365: #66 - Christmas in March

66 of 365 by caliguyinmn
66 of 365 a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
Today was a good day to walk around the neighborhood. Snow was melting and the sun was still high in the sky. One of the unique things you will see in northern states like Minnesota are Christmas decorations that were left to endure the winter. This lappost was just down the street, and upon seeing it I was an instantly transported back a few months to tinsel and holly. The photo looks as though it was taken during December to the untrained eye, but look at the exif data and it will support my claim of a mid-March shot. Plus the dirty snow is typical of a late winter melt. I do really like the way this looks so seasonal. Too bad it's not the correct season. Ok, I can't even type that with a straight face. I couldn't be happier that this is a shot taken with the end in sight than in the beginning of a brutal winter. Spring is coming!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Project 365: #65 - Naked Trees

65 of 365 by caliguyinmn
65 of 365 a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.

As I drove to church tonight I lamented the wintery wonderland that was still present. But, then I decided to get over myself and looked closer at the details. This photo is representative of what I saw up and down the road. Naked trees are everywhere. What was so eye-catching about this particular shot was the colors of the sky. Where the sun met a cloudless sky, colors changed from yellow to blue. There is even a hint of red/pink in the sky. The best part about this shot is not so much the picture by itself but the time it was taken. It was after 6 and the sun hadn't even entertained the thought of setting. So despite the trees still being as bare as ever and snow not quite ready to retreat, the days are getting longer. And for that, I'm thankful.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Project 365: #64 - Roar!

64 of 365 by caliguyinmn
64 of 365 a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
For the last few weeks I've been wanting to incorporate a themed shot once a week as part of my Project 365. So last night as I meandered through Target I came across some Toy Story figures and instantly knew what my theme was going to be. I start with Rex because he is by far the most entertaining character in the series. I am going to be experimenting each week with a new character or set of characters and various lighting and backdrops. Be ready for the green screen week! Anyway, tonight I used a diffused light on the left and the 430EX II flash on the right off camera. There is much to learn about lighting for smaller objects and this will be a great way to do it. I'm think Buzz or Woody for next week. We shall see!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Project 365: #63 - Soft Spectrum

63 of 365 by caliguyinmn
63 of 365 a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
Today I very deliberately sought out color. As the snow melts, I yearn for the colors of spring. However, Target will have to do for at least this photo. I like the chromatic progression and the way it pulls you through the frame. Angle and depth of field help give this shot a bit more life than it may have otherwise had. It is after all just stacks of folded towels. But by limiting the area of the photo in focus it gives it a punch. One thing is for sure. I love me some depth play. I can't stand shooting closeup style shots without a shallow depth of field. They just come across as bland and boring when I take them with a smaller aperture. Perhaps I'm getting picky, but hopefully my future clients will appreciate that. I am a perfectionist and it has most certainly bled into my photos. I can always make a photo better in my eyes and will do what is needed to make that happen. I still have much I want to improve but I sense it starting to happen.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Project 365: #62 - The Dock

62 of 365 by caliguyinmn
62 of 365 a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
Tonight I walked around downtown for just a little bit. I took shots of the buildings and the streets but what grabbed me after looking back at all the photos was the one of the loading dock. The way it was lit was eerie and, to be honest, quite creepy. It made me think of Saw or some other similar scary flick. So immediately I knew I had to add in some grain and fade the colors just a bit. It definitely added to that feel and I think it has the most character out of any of the photos in the Project 365. It communicates a sort of raw emotion that most photos just don't. The goal for me is to be conscious of the emotion I want a particular photo to communicate. It means using composition, exposure, angle and lighting in the right combination. So I hope this photo gives you the creeps, but only just a little bit.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Project 365: #61 - Official

61 of 365 by caliguyinmn
61 of 365 a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
Well it's official I suppose. Business cards are here, and I think they are awesome. Simple, to the point and with rounded corners. The best part is it gave me the subject for today's photo. Black and white is just such a crisp and clean look and works on so many levels. This photo would have been ruined in my opinion with any color. It helps the subject to stand out a bit better, especially when combined with the shallow depth of field. Sometimes simple really is best and I hope the same holds true with the business cards. I'm excited to someday be able to take a picture of an empty box. Nothing like a little old school marketing to jump start a successful business. That being said, social media and the internet have gone a long way in getting the word out. If you want any of the business cards, let me know.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Project 365: #60 - Beads and Bokeh

60 of 365 by caliguyinmn
60 of 365 a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
Nothing says Mardi Gras like bright colors, loud music and beads. Well despite the lack of color and music, I was very much able to photograph beads. Although this photo is far from being perfectly focused, that is not what I cared about tonight. I was more intrigued by the shallow depth of field and the bokeh from the beads in the back. It was nice to remember why I love my 50 mm lens. It does such a great job at allowing me to shoot very specific points of interest while blurring out anything in the immediate foreground and background. As I look back on this photo, it almost makes me envision someone with blurry, possibly intoxicated vision, pondering the beauty of the beads. Regardless, the light was cool at McCoy's and made for some fun shooting tonight. Good food, good friends, good times!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Project 365: #59 - Hiding in the Shadows

59 of 365 by caliguyinmn
59 of 365 a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
Today's photo and its title have sort of a double meaning. I no more encourage the drinking of alcohol than I do think it is an inherently bad thing. However, for some it can be a constant struggle to deal with an addiction to the drink. Today's photo was taken to not only experiment with the off-camera flash but also to help bring to light the reality of alcoholism. It is an addiction that is always there, hiding in the shadows but never gone. Whatever your views, this post is not meant to offend but to bring light to a struggle that society tries to sweep under the rug and keep secret. Regardless, this is still just a photo and it was fun to try the angles with the flash and variety of power levels. There is a ton of additional creativity that having 2 flashes provides and you can count on a number of attempts at interesting lighting. I hope you enjoy it!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Project 365: #58 - Lauren

58 of 365 by caliguyinmn
58 of 365 a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
Ah, babies. Adorable when they sleep but oh so difficult to photograph when they are awake. They are after all quite the squirmers. Lauren was no exception. For the majority of the shoot she was wide aswake and her eyes were open and looking all over the place. She is a big fan of stretching every appendage from her fingers down to the tips of her toes. Getting perfectly focused shots was a challenge but not at all impossible. Toward the end she finally decided it was nap time. Lucky for us she didn't care where she was placed so the basket shots were plentiful. The lighting in her room was perfect and only required a little bit of exposure adjustments in Lightroom. Now that I have gotten to do another session with a baby, it's time to get down to Omaha and do a full session with Princess Penny. I can't wait!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Project 365: #57 - The Stache

57 of 365 by caliguyinmn
57 of 365 a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
So I've been on this rejuvenated kick with my photos. One of the things that some friends helped me to remember tonight was that I need to have fun. Now yes, I do have fun with photography, but I took fun to a new level. Fun is only fun when it's with others. I had a lot of help creating this shot. I have no idea what inspired Lizz to draw a mustache on her finger so that I could shoot her with this stellar mustache but I'm glad she did. I can honestly say, I've never smiled so much while photographing a subject as I did tonight. This is just a sample of the fun shots taken. All in all, it was a great reminder that friends make photography fun. It's not objects or even random people that get me excited about photography. I get pumped up when I get to capture my friends and family and the moments I get to spend with them.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Project 365: #56 - For Love of the Game

56 of 365 by caliguyinmn
56 of 365 a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
As I mentioned, passion for what you photograph is key. Well tonight I took that to heart and knew right away what I was going to shoot. This isn't just a shot of a baseball either. I picked up the flash I've been wanting/needing for awhile and played with it. I am entirely too excited about the lighting I can produce now in less than ideal conditions. So the combination of my love of baseball and excitement over the new flash helped to produce tonight's image. I also decided to experiment with how close I could get using my best lens. I am blown away by the clarity, even when an image is cropped and zoomed in on. It's just so crisp. I am a details guy so the more I can get the better I perceive the image as being. It won't be too much longer and baseball photos will be a common occurrence, but I hope this quenched your desire temporarily as it has mine. Play ball!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Project 365: #55 - Milk Me

55 of 365 by caliguyinmn
55 of 365 a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
Ok, first, my titles are starting to get strange but I brought it tonight. At least, compared to my last few that is the case. My vision for tonight was milke splashing on cereal. Unfortunately to get the commercial over-the-top photo, it would have created quite the mess. Perhaps this will be a photo I reshoot when I have a more complicated setup and the time to clean up after. Tonight, I went without flash again and still wound up with a decently lit photo. I do see where a flash and reflector would have come in handy though. What I am starting to notice is how much better the shots are when I am either shooting something or someone I love or when I have a specific image I want to capture in my mind. You need to be excited and passionate about your photos or it will show in the shots you take. They are not as exciting or not as technically sound and for me, I am just not all that happy about the outcome. Find your inspiration and your photos will reflect it.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Project 365: #54 - Plastic Shadows

54 of 365 by caliguyinmn
54 of 365 a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
You know I'm in need of inspiration when the photo of the day is a white plastic cup. Yes, I was intentional about the photo tonight, but it is starting to show that I'm desperate to shoot color and people and light. I am far from being bored with this project but I have noticed that my photos over the last week have been lacking much life. I mean, seriously, a plastic cup was what caught my eye? I want to photograph dogs running and kids laughing and flowers blooming. I think I need to take tonight as a wake up call. I really want to be more creative in my indoor shots. I want to play with light and colors more. Perhaps an off camera flash is needed but whatever it is, I plan on taking the photos to a new level. Ok, now that I've vented, I must say that the shadows on the cup are kind of cool, especially considering this is in the absence of flash or directional lighting. It's all fluorescent lights and yet it can produce some stark shadows. Lesson for me tonight is to use what you have at your disposal and to also not get stuck in a rut. Anyway, enjoy and be prepared for things to come!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Project 365: #53 - Vintage Cookies

53 of 365
Originally uploaded by caliguyinmn
I hope you have enjoyed the many photos of objects that have been shot on my living room and kitchen because I vow now that once the days get longer and warmer there will be no indoor photos. I'm getting tired of not being able to use daylight to its fullest but I still have gotten some good shots. Tonight I felt nostalgic and the cookies in the tupperware felt very old school. So I played with it and did some minor edits to help enhance that feel. Some of the photos I've taken to this point have been very plain and boring initially but after performing some magic in Lightroom, I have gotten some cool shots. The thing I really like about this is the focus. It is on like few of my shots have been and the plastic didn't make it all that easy. The lighting was interesting too which helped to create the vintage look. I have really had to look at the most boring objects during the last 53 days and find something interesting and special to get a shot I like. I'm excited to see what happens once I can roam outdoors for hours on end.