Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Project 365: #47 - In the Crowd

47 of 365
Originally uploaded by caliguyinmn
One of the coolest effects a shallow depth of field can create is a blurred subject. It sort of turns what the viewer might expect on its head. Normally, you might see the guitar player in focus and the shoulders of individuals in the crowd out of focus. But that was not to be tonight. I think this photo does a good job of helping the viewer to get a sense of being a part of the crowd looking at the subject in the distance. It almost puts the viewer as the focal point. The thing that made this shot sort of tricky was the overwhelming glow of the red lighting. It is a bit much, but again, I think it helps to place whoever is looking at the photo in the scene rather than just being a spectator. Perhaps I am making more of this shot than you have, but regardless, it is a different sort of photo than what is typical. I want more of my shots to bring out the unexpected rather than highlighting the norm.

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