Monday, October 31, 2011

Project 365: #278 - Good Music

278 of 365 by caliguyinmn
278 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
I love the opportunities I've had to use photography at work. We are having our annual charitable giving campaign and we needed a group shot of the band kicking it off. Now, the location we had did not provide for the best of lighting nor the easiest of bouncing flash. However, it made for kind of a cooler effect than I might otherwise have dreamed up. Is this the best of the shots? Hardly! I am saving those for the kickoff signage, which I am sure will be made public in the near future. I am grateful for the chance to grow a skill in new and different ways and am very much energized by moments like the one I had shooting this.

Project 365: #277 - Forest Perspective

277 of 365 by caliguyinmn
277 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
One of the joys of fall is the amazing colors that are present. You get oranges, yellows, browns all mixed with the last of the green holding on. One tool of the trade I've been looking to master is using wide-angle lenses to create photos where the subject is coming at the viewer in a quasi 3D way. You just need to get as close as possible to the subject with the lens at its widest point. It works really well at giving uniteresting subjects a little something extra. However, I would not recommend using this technique with portraits unless you want your subjects to have unrealistically large noses.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Project 365: #276 - Mouse on Wheels

276 of 365 by caliguyinmn
276 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
A few weeks back I bought a Oliver a motorized mouse. He just has so much energy and I don't have all the time in the world to be constantly playing with him. He gets A LOT of play time and attention, but it never is quite enough. So this mouse you turn on and it goes around in random circles like a mouse who has a few screws loose. He Oliver loves it but keeps knocking it over so I still end up and down getting the mouse turned right-side up. Well, if I am going to have a mouse in my house, I figured a better get a picture of it. He looks evil or at least mischeivious.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Project 365: #275 - Corner Pocket

275 of 365 by caliguyinmn
275 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
This photo is not new at all. In fact, I sort of see at as Part B to the one I had a couple days ago. I intentionally focused again on forcing myself to look at the subject from a more unique perspective. As I look at this photo again, I can't help but think this is taken from the perspective of a drunk man who is in the process of stumbling or passing out. It is all too appropriate an angle too because of the setting of the pool table in my man cave that happens to have a bar and stocked fridge. Although I am rather excited about the photo and the achieved perspective, I strongly hope that I nor my guests never see this view firsthand.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Project 365: #274 - First Dance

274 of 365 by caliguyinmn
274 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
I was not yet on duty for the evening as their photographer was locked down through the first dance. However, do you think that was going to stop me from catching this moment?! Nope. I'm so glad I did have a camera out and eye ready. This may be my favorite first dance photo I've taken and I have taken ones as the pro and guest that I love. There was something almost perfect about the lighting and angle at that exact moment that I don't think even the best of photographers can stage. The flash was not on (so as not to be rude to the pro) so this was all available light. I really do enjoy photos that do not require any additional light than that already present. It gives this photo that "X" factor.

Project 365: #273 - The Cue's View

273 of 365 by caliguyinmn
273 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
On the first day my pool table was setup I had to commemorate the occasion with a photo. This specific photo is all about angles and perspectives. I wanted to capture the essence of the game as much as I did the table itself. So I spent some time creating the shot and looking at the scene from all angles. After a bit, I stood back and thought about more unique perspectives; ones that aren't normally noticed. When you play pool you look at the angles and balls all the time but not quite from directly behind the cue ball. So that was my chosen angle. Then I just had to play with DoF to get the look and feel and there you go. How many times will I have to remind myself that if I just force myself to try new angles. Be creative!

Project 365: #272 - Trapped

272 of 365 by caliguyinmn
272 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
I don't know which part of this photo is more pathetic. Oliver hates, and I mean HATES, being in the cage. So those sad eyes could be for that or they could be because he somehow knew he would no longer have all his man parts. You can almost sense the gloom and hopelessness my poor cat felt. I on the other hand did in no way share his negative attitude. Instead I saw it as a wonderful opportunity to photograph and I have yet to experience a time where I can be anything but happy with a camera in my hand. Too bad my cheerful spirit didn't rub off on him but at least I got my photo.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Project 365: #271 - Miniatures

271 of 365 by caliguyinmn
271 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
Although I do not have a dedicated macro lens, there really are only few opportunities that exist where I would benefit from it. This photo actually supports the argument against getting a macro lens. It's not because I absolutely love how close I was able to get but that getting closer would not be ideal. You can already see the imperfections in the painting of the figures. Why would I want those magnified anymore? Plus, if I employ the use of free-lensing, I can emulate rather well the macro effect. Miniatures are just that, miniature, and that is exactly how I want this photo to be portrayed.

Project 365: #270 - Minneapolis Dusk

270 of 365 by caliguyinmn
270 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
I caved and used my Incredible 2 for this shot, but I really had to. Not because I couldn't have rushed off to grab the 7D which was no more than 100 yards away, but because if I had wasted even 30 seconds, the sky would not have looked exactly as it did in this moment. The colors, the clouds and the light aligned to present me with this image and I am rather impressed (yet again) with just how well my 8MP camera phone performed. The image relatively sharp and did a decent job of capturing the perfect exposure. I suppose once in awhile it does not hurt to settle for the lesser option because it may mean the difference between having a good photo at all.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Project 365: #269 - Good Start to the Day

269 of 365 by caliguyinmn
269 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
Ok, that title is VERY misleading. No one, and I mean no one, would ever say that their ideal way to begin a day would be by getting lectured by endodontist. I promise, I am not such a photo nut that I bring my camera to the dentist's office. I took this photo along with others to go on the website for their practice. It definitely provided different challenges, but I learned a lot about operating in places that do not provide optimal angles or light. In these situations you really do need to understand how to use your equipment and improvise. I have a few more business shoots lined up and am excited to see what I can do.

Project 365: #268 - Modern Fonz

268 of 365 by caliguyinmn
268 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
Photography has already allowed me some pretty cool opportunities. One of these has been getting to do shoots with two natural models. Their mom has taught them well but it's obvious they were born knowing the right looks and stances. Emanuel i8s the younger between him and his sister, but he is a natural beyond his years. I rarely have to ask him to do too much with posing. He seems to just know what kind of look I'm aiming for. For this particular shot I was going for a flashback pose. I couldn't help but think Happy Days as I snapped the shot. I really enjoy themed shoots or creating a theme out of an otherwise mundane setting. I should really look to make that a bigger part of my photo shoots with clients to give them more of that WOW factor.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Project 365: #267 - Bouquet

267 of 365 by caliguyinmn
267 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
Dana and Stacy's wedding was amazing. Beautiful bride, perfect day, excited groom and family and friends. I had photographer ADD, finding it hard to focus onj any one thing that really caught my eye. That was the case until I saw Stacy's bouquet. It was perhaps the most stunning array of flowers and colors I've seen. Obviously, it was rather memorable as the picture of the day isn't of the bride but of her flowers. Lame? Yeah, but I just couldn't help myself. I just think that the details are what makes a wedding truly special and these flowers added to one of the most special days.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Project 365: #266 - Cat and Mouse

266 of 365 by caliguyinmn
266 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
I've made a conscious effort of taking different photos of Oliver, not just of his face or anything typical. Rather, I am aiming for the details as in this photo. He loves his catnip infused mouse. He has played with it for hours. The best thing I may have done is attaching it to his scratching post. This photo like no other highlights his enormous paws. That mouse is no little mouse and his paw covers it almost completely. He just keeps getting bigger and bigger and I keep finding new ways to photograph him. I just need to make sure I never stop looking for new ways to capture a good shot of him.

Project 365: #265 - Available Light

265 of 365 by caliguyinmn
265 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
My apologies to all my followers. I have gotten WAY behind and have every good reason for it but still have dropped the ball. I have a goal of being completely caught up by the end of the coming weekend. This photo is interesting to me in that it is very much abstract. I had just cleaned out my other bedroom and noticed the light coming in between the blinds, creating this cool shadow on the hardwood floor. This is not typical of my ideal photo, but on this evening it struck me the right way. I had to play with the settings to get the deisred look, and in the end, I think I learned quite a bit about how to capitalize with minimal light.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Project 365: #264 - Future Gymnast

264 of 365 by caliguyinmn
264 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
One of my favorite things about my job is all of my coworkers who bring in their newborns and toddlers. It's like crack to me when I hear a baby coo when I have my camera on me. Not only is it another opportunity to practice, but I really just love taking photos of kids. This little one was no different. She kept stretching and contorting her legs with a smile on her face the whole time. Those beautiful blue eyes were even more stunning in person. Sometimes my favorite shots are the unplanned and more authentic photos and this was definitely one such moment.

Project 365: #263 - 40D

263 of 365 by caliguyinmn
263 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
I don't think that I give enough love to my gear. Without it none of the photos I've taken would be possible. Although I've upgraded to the 7D, my 40D served me well. It has really accurate focus and handles ISO's well above 800 with ease. It currently is my backup camera, sitting in my bag patiently waiting to be called into emergency service. I just feel bad that I have such a fine camera just idling. It is a shame, but I know that if ever I need it, I will be SO thankful to have it. I just hope it's not expecting to get used over the 7D for any other reason. There really is a significant difference between the quality of the two.

Project 365: #262 - Reflection

262 of 365 by caliguyinmn
262 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
Yes, I know. I have taken a lot of photos of Oliver. However, with this photo, I loved the reflection in the window. I wish truly understood the appeal of reflections in photos, but there is something enticing. As Oliver gets older, he has actually become more difficult to photograph. He loves running and playing, which makes focusing a real challenge, even using the AI Servo mode. He is just a very quick cat. So, of course I'll take every opportunity I can to shoot him while he is being still. This was not the first photo of him and I will guarantee it is anything but the last.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Project 365: #261 - Family Photo

261 of 365 by caliguyinmn
261 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
Kids honestly are my favorite thing to shoot. They can be very tricky to get a good shot of, but I think that's one thing I really like. I love the challenge! Even more than that I love working for the shot and knowing I nailed it. Family photos with little ones can be tricky because the parents (usually) cooperate, but the little one seems to look everywhere but at the camera. Well, as you can see, I got at least one family phot I love for these three. I got a lot more in reality, but I felt a sense of victory after this photo. Ariana is one of the cutests kids I know, even when she may not be in the mood to be the subject of a photo shoot. She still smiled as big as ever!