Saturday, April 30, 2011

Project 365: #113 - Prom Pics

113 of 365 by caliguyinmn
113 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
It finally cleared up after a rainy first half of the day. I was ready to go out and shoot. I headed over to Centennial Lakes to go for a walk with a certain shot in mind. However, as has been the case with many photos during the Project 365, I ended up capturing something more interesting than what I intended. You couldn't turn anywhere without seeing either a wedding party or prom group. It must have been the single most groups of people in one place for separate formal events I've seen. There were at least 3 wedding parties and 2 prom groups. It was madness. But, as I walked through and around the groups I noticed a group of parents positioning their daughters, trying to capture the perfect shot. It was funny but provided for a good photo for me. I really was caught by the reflection of all the dresses in the lake. The colors are so vibrant and beautiful. I love all the parents with their point and shoot cameras acting like professionals, trying to get that perfect pose. It's their moment as much as it is their daughters. I have my first prom shoot in a couple weeks. Maybe I'll have to get the students to come down here as it provides for a stunning backdrop.

Project 365: #112 - Hot Fork

112 of 365 by caliguyinmn
112 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
Tonight presented little opportunity to take what I normally would considered a good photo. I went the entire day without even seeing my camera. However, I always have some camera on me, even if it is my slightly damaged cell phone camera. Despite not being able to have the sort of control over the image I usually do, I still came away with an interesting shot. Well at the pub one of my friends decided to play with fork in the candle. In the dimly-lit atmosphere, the light of the camera stood out and the fork made for a cool composition. It is far from the best so far, but it does present a new challenge and hopefully help me to appreciate the 40D that much more.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Project 365: #111 - Sprout

111 of 365 by caliguyinmn
111 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
I think I'm still desperate for signs of spring as evidenced by my photos of the very few hints that have existed. I mean, look at this one. One semi-sign of budding life. Seriously, one sole bud and somehow my eye catches it. So I did what any good photographer would do and tried compose a cool shot. I experimented with using the out of focus elements to add to the texture of the photo. It actually turned out kind of artsy. The only thing I wish had turned out better was the amount of glow effect but it's nothing to complain about. The coolest part in my humble opinion is the color of the sky. It was this perfect mix of blue and orange and just completed this shot. I swear, I will get plenty of nature shots once the trees have all filled out, but for now I don't think I can do many more.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Project 365: #110 - Spotlight

110 of 365 by caliguyinmn
110 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
Tonight I had my first opportunity to try out the PowerGrid, an attachment to the Lightsphere flash diffuser. This turns the flash into a spotlight of sorts with a rather narrow beam. It not only lights up the subject well, but when combined with the proper settings on the camera completely blacks out all surrounding areas. It can make for a really cool and dramatic shot. Thanks to Trevor for the quick pose. I saw this add-on in a YouTube video by Gary Fong who makes it and thought it would not work as described and shown, but it definitely does. I see this as being a staple shot for various portraits and possibly weddings. Sometimes the best technology is just plastic.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Project 365: #109 - Growth

109 of 365 by caliguyinmn
109 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
I was fortunate enough to catch a break in the rain to do a bit of shooting. As I was perusing around outside for something to catch my eye, I thought about what the rain brings about. Things grow when it rains. Captain Obvious I for sure am, but it caused me to look closer to the ground. A whole new world is opened when you change your eye level. I went out thinking I would use my zoom lens to capture something in the distance but it turned out that it helped magnify the ground below my feet. I am still so impressed by the image quality it produces. I might need to start using it more for general purposes just to see what results it may produce. Pretty soon the sprouts of grass will be a full and green lawn. Spring has sprung!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Project 365: #108 - Nobody Messes with the Queen

108 of 365 by caliguyinmn
108 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
Ok, this is not at all an accurate description of this sweet cat. She just looked the part to a tee today. Kory is in fact one of the sweetest cats ever and was very cooperative, letting me snap photo after photo. I had to capture her for today's photo since Penny and Sage had gotten more than their fair share of camera time this weekend. I really like how tight the focus is on her eyes, while even the nose is blurred. The post-processing really helped make the photo pop and walks the tightrope between ideal and overdone quite well. Animals can be tricky to shoot, but once in a rare while you get one that either loves the camera or, more realistically, just doesn't care if you photographer her or not. Either way, she makes sure you know that she is in charge.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Project 365: #107 - Levitation

107 of 365 by caliguyinmn
107 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
I'll keep you all in suspense no more. She was not actually levitating. Sorry to burst your bubble. Sage was though hanging by a swing and I took that very opportunity to photograph her feel hanging there waiting to be pushed high in the air. It was a beautiful afternoon and I was beyond excited to get to go outside with the girls so we could play, run and laugh. Of course, what kind of photographer would I be if I didn't have my camera and all necessary gear?! So we pushed Penny and Sage on the swings for quite some time and Sage feel in love with the large, twisting slide, all of which provided for some pretty cute photos of both girls. In fact, today I am confident I took the most "amazing" photos I've taken in a single day. I put that in quotes because I would never say that myself but was received it as a compliment today. So, although you have only seen 3 of the thousand plus photos I took this weekend, I will be uploading them to the website under the "Clients" which is coming soon. Stay tuned!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Project 365: #106 - Lashes

106 of 365 by caliguyinmn
106 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
Rather than just get another awesome portrait of Sage today, I decided to focus on a specific feature. As she was finishing her bath, I saw her eyelashes looking all perfectly formed. Any other time, although still quite obviously long, they just don't have the same cool shaping that they do wet. So, after numerous attempts at getting perfect focus on her lashes, I did it. Everything else is blurred and just the lashes are sharp. Sage is the cutest toddler and so much fun to shoot. I don't have to wait long before I get the desired shot and composition because she just is photogenic like few others. I am definitely undecided as for what tomorrow may hold but it should be.... wait for it ...legendary!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Project 365: #105 - The After Bath

105 of 365 by caliguyinmn
105 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
The day has finally arrived and I get to see my two favorite little girls for the weekend! There is little in this world that gets me this excited. So, of course, I had to pull out the camera right away. It was initially frustrating as they both decided it was time to get shy around me. That didn't last long though and they came into their own. I am still amazed at how much they cooperate and look right at the camera with almost no coaxing. I absolutely love them both but Penny gets the first photo shout out of the weekend. She is just such a cutie and when I shot this I looked at it on the screen and instantly knew it was going to be today's photo. You can count on more being put up on my website. I'll post as soon as those are all up!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Project 365: #104 - La Fleur

104 of 365 by caliguyinmn
104 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
As I looked over my photos in the series, I was appalled to see a severe lack of photos of flowers. I do recognize that to this point, I've been trapped in the cold, lifeless tundra of a Minnesota winter. However, that's no excuse, especially seeing as how important photographing flowers is in shooting a wedding. I intentionally dropped the aperture to f/1.4 so I could experiment with the effect created by having a smaller area in focus. It makes for a good looking shot, but it is worth noting that it is important to pay special attention to what part of the frame is in focus. Does it capture the desired effect? In case I haven't said it enough, my 50mm lens is my favorite. It takes amazing photos with incredible background blur.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Project 365: #103 - Jared

103 of 365 by caliguyinmn
103 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
There is something fun about photographing people eating. You can get some interestingly candid shots. However, with Jared, there really is no such thing as truly candid. He is always at home in front of a camera, video or photo. He just knows when it's on him and how to make for an interesting capture. Most subjects take some coaxing to loosen up and just have fun. That is never a problem with Jared. I think this photo is creative and technically well-executed. I used a flash with the wide angle lens and was able to get a well exposed shot. The bokeh in the background just adds that bit of creative detail I really enjoy. Take away the color as I did here and it becomes easier to appreciate how much fun the photo is. Having fun is key to taking good photos!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Project 365: #102 - Noodles

102 of 365 by caliguyinmn
102 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
Tonight was a good night for Thai food with friends. And this made for a great photo opportunity as well. Noodles are especially photogenic, especially pad thai. Pad thai is one of my favorite foods, particularly when it is spicy and tonight, was it ever. Food photography is all about composition and depth of field. You gotta make the food look at least as good as it tastes. It's tough when you are using just available light as opposed to using off camera lighting. Nonetheless, the detail of this photo accomplishes what I wanted it to tonight. You can see the noodle glisten and the dryness of the nuts. I would have loved better lighting but all in all I am pleased. If you are hungry reading this, may I recommend some thai food tonight?

Monday, April 18, 2011

Project 365: #101 - Locomotion

101 of 365 by caliguyinmn
101 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
The keyword of the night is "motion". I went down to The Depot in Hopkins tonight to shoot the iconic venue. I got some great shots but nothing that moved me. Just as I was ready to leave thinking I had gotten a good shot. I heard the train off in the distance. I instantly ran toward the tracks and setup just in time to catch this shot. It was no rush per se, but I did have to quickly determine the proper shutter speed and aperture to get the desired photo. I can honestly say, I've not been this excited about a photo in some time. Everything was ideal; an ominous sky, an angle that makes the rain seem endless, awesome textures and a long train. The only postprocessing I did was on the grass and the sky to help increase the effect already present. Man, I love photography!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Project 365: #100 - K2

100 of 365 by caliguyinmn
100 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
Today was a tougher day to get a photo. It's cold, I have a headache and had schoolwork to do. But if I've made it 99 days before today, I had to keep going. This project has been sort of like climbing a mountain. Ok, not really but play along. When I think of a mountain or peak, K2 comes to mind. It was interesting that as I was downstairs doing laundry, this pair of rollerblades caught my eye. Just like I'm feeling a bit worn down, these blades look like they have seen better days. But yet if they were to be put on and laced up, they'd perform as always. I really like the detail I captured in this shot that shows how aged and worn they are. It's not a flashy photo for #100, but it captures the essence of this project so well. The details are what hold value, not just some amazing scene. A photographer should look for what's interesting in even the most mundane. So 100 passes without much fanfare, but I challenge you as I have to look back on the previous 100 shots. It has been an awesome journey and we aren't even a third of the way done yet. More fun to come!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Project 365: #99 - Storefront

99 of 365 by caliguyinmn
99 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
Yes, it is cold. Yes, it is rather windy. Yes, it even snowed last night. But none of that was stopping me from going out to seek a photo opportunity. I went to St. Anthony Main today seeking out a shot of some of the old school architecture. It all can take you back to the early part of the 1900's and really tells a story of Minneapolis' past. St. Anthony Main even contains the oldest restaurant and bar, Pracna, and the original Pillsbury mill and factory. However, those just begin to tell the story. The street is lined with historic storefronts like the one in the photo. It really is just a fun place to go eat, drink, watch a movie or just go for a walk. To any of you who have never been to St. Anthony Main, I highly recommend putting in on your list of places to see and experience in the Twin Cities.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Project 365: #98 - Hanging Garden

98 of 365 by caliguyinmn
98 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
Again, as yesterday, today's photo was very intentional. I was going for a specific type of photo and got it. I was looking to shoot something that is common at various wedding reception venues. It is easy to take solid photos of the individuals at a party but not always easy to capture good photos of the details. So tonight at our mission trip event I noticed these hanging flowers/plants. It just cried "reception" so I shot it. No, this photo may not be the most exciting picture in my Project 365, but I have a bit of a better understanding on what it takes to get the exposure and color right. Some of it can be accomplished on the camera and the rest is done in postprocessing. I can definitely see some variation of this shot being taken as part of a wedding session. Perhaps this may be something to add to my shot list.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Project 365: #97 - Class Ring

97 of 365 by caliguyinmn
97 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
Well since being pegged for a wedding in September, I have been rather deliberate about shooting specific shots. Portraits have been high on the list as have those of using flash(es), using natural light, using both, capturing candid photos and intentionally setting up shots. Well, tonight I decided was a great night to photograph a ring. READ: It was overcast and rainy outside. Tonight I put in use my light box, which really I purchased for fun, but it very much has practical uses. Quite obviously, currently I do not have ready access to a shining diamond ring. What I do have though is my class ring from all those years ago. I knew I would appreciate it once more. I played with lighting and flash combos for the better part of half an hour and will say that it can be darn challenging to get the background dark while fully illuminating the ring and stone. This photo went through some postprocessing as evidenced by the blue around the ring but I really like the effect. As I shadow a few photographers at weddings this summer, I'm sure to get to learn more about lighting and rings.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Project 365: #96 - Night Sky

96 of 365 by caliguyinmn
96 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
Today was one of the few challenging ones I've had where as the day drew to a close, I was still without a good photo. At that point I remembered one of my previous posts about just looking up. I'm glad I did tonight because the night sky was pretty amazing. Rather than just a boring moon and a few specs that are stars, the clouds turned it into this scene that was out of some sci-fi spacey film. You can't see the moon clearly as it's hiding behind the etherial clouds but the flare the light off the moon created is cool. You can even see the scattered stars pretty clearly. It's the closest thing to an epic shot I've had so far in the Project 365. Again, there is plenty I want to fix but there is far more I enjoy about this. I hope you all enjoy it!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Project 365: #95 - Pinch Hitter

95 of 365 by caliguyinmn
95 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
Today I began the day not knowing what I wanted to shoot. Within the first 15 minutes of work that decision had been made. I had access to Twins tickets, but not just any seats. They were row 8. My eyes lit up and I snatched them, excited to watch the Twins and take photos with the L-Series zoom lens. Oh man was it fun. Yes, I'm referring to the action of the game as well as shooting sports action. The only slight bump in the road was the screen between the field and seats. For lesser cameras, this screen would not cause any issues but when you start getting prosumer cameras they can focus in on the minutest of details. Well it did its job and I had to work on a new skill that I was not expecting to. Manual focus. It is challenging, but when done right the resulting photos are stunning and perhaps a bit sharper than with autofocus. So here is today's shot. Jim Thome has long been one of my favorite hitters so I had to shoot him tonight when he got a pinch hit opportunity. On another positive note, the Twins won!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Project 365: #94 - Squirrel!

94 of 365 by caliguyinmn
94 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
I don't all that often go on "nature walks" but today, I went out with that specific intent. I brought with me the zoom lens today and focused my gaze upwards toward the bare trees. I can't wait til they are full of leaves but it is quite amazing how much more you can see at this stage of spring. Birds and squirrels are everywhere and they seem rather curious. This squirrel stared at me well beyond when I had the camera on him. He didn't make a single move. It always helps when they stay still because it sure does not happen often. Whether you think of them as rats with a busy tail or a cute woodland creature, they are pretty cool to photograph. This shot would not look nearly as good with any other lens. I still need to get better shooting with it though because this will be the one I rely on for the candid shots at weddings and I want to perfect those. Nothing like using a squirrel as a test subject. He didn't appear to mind one bit.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Project 365: #93 - Cade

93 of 365 by caliguyinmn
93 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
So as I am only week of hitting the 100 mark, I thought it appropriate to go with a photo of a subject that shows why I got into photography in the first place. Kids are absolutely the best thing to photograph. They have expressions that are so authentic and without concern for how they appear. They create some of the most amazing photos, and even if not, they sure do get a smile and laugh. Cade is no exception. He is laid back but also sort of a ham and pretty darn cute. You gotta love the Zoolander hairdo. Hopefully, I'll be able to get a shot of him doing Blue Steel one day. I can't wait for the photo session with this little guy!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Project 365: #92 - Blowin' Smoke

92 of 365 by caliguyinmn
92 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
I decided for today's photo that I wanted an action shot. Now, this may not be a typical action shot but it definitely tested me. This photo is far from perfect and I'll spare you from my usual rants about how it can be better, but I do really like how the smoke came out. I've thought how this might look and I want to keep trying this kind of photo. It came out well from a profile perspective and I think it would be really cool from a few different angles. Black and white was for sure the way to go with the smoke and 20's attire. With temperatures set to be in the seventies tomorrow, you can count on some more outdoor photos to come. Enjoy!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Project 365: #91 - First Love

91 of 365 by caliguyinmn
91 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
Sometimes the best things to photograph are things that bring you back to your youth. Although I wasn't as young as many boys when they first fell in love with baseball in its simplest form, it still takes me back. In fact, the glove in the photo is my first, a Rawlings Nolan Ryan model. If that doesn't date itself, nothing much will. I went for an aged but edgy look with this photo and think it turned out well. Depth of field plays a big role in creating the desired mood of the photo as well, as with many of my photos. I just hope that every boy gets the same opportunity to fall in love with the game. All you need is a ball and glove and that is a piece of heaven here on earth. Fathers, if you love baseball, it is your duty to pass along that love. Not only will you be sharing a great gift with your son but you will have the opportunity to share something with your son for the rest of your life. Play catch any chance you get!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Project 365: #90 - Swinging for the Cheap Seats

90 of 365 by caliguyinmn
90 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
I thought it only appropriate that on the eve of the home opener at Target Field I take a photo of one of the greats. Harmon Killebrew is arguably, but not really, the greatest player in Twins history and I absolutely love the placement of his statue on Target Plaza. He is posed midswing where you can almost see the trajectory of the implied baseball. It seems to be aiming right at Capella Tower. It just tells the story of what an amazingly powerful hitter he was. Legend says if Capella Tower had stood in its current location that Harmon would have cleared it from home. Even if it's not, it should be. I just really like the angle and depth of this shot. Get ready because tomorrow the current Twins are home again to start the 2011 summer in Minnesota!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Project 365: #89 - Brightest Star

89 of 365 by caliguyinmn
89 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
Another walk around the lake and oh was it a beautiful day. There were few clouds but one of the few helped make this photo pretty cool. I often have wanted a good sun shot but never really liked how they turned out. So, today I focused on shooting the sun. I soon realized that if I wanted the sun to actually look like something other than white light, all I had to do was tighten the aperture to f/20 or higher. I really enjoy this one because it is rather unique in that it created a lot of flares through the lens. Normally this would not be what I wanted, but it's funny how lens flares and sun shots just work. The sun looks like the large star it is. It's really amazing how I can get this camera to take the shots I want. Still there is much to learn but I continue to surprise myself with the shots I know how to create. I can't wait to see what more I will discover!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Project 365: #88 - My Favorite Skyline

88 of 365 by caliguyinmn
88 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
On this, the 5th day of April, I finally got to the exact location I have wanted to since buying my camera back in December. This photo was taken from a footpath bridge crossing 35W just south of downtown. It is a sight to behold, even if you aren't up there for a good photo. The thing that was really cool was that somebody did a huge favor to us all and cut the perfect size hole in the fence. Without that, this shot would have been nearly impossible. So I stood up there almost giddy as I pushed the remote shutter release and let the camera do its work. The cars zooming by below are the only thing I would have liked a bit better but you will not hear me complain. I really love this photo and have given it the highest of place in my photo collection; my desktop wallpaper. Shots like this are the reasonI have been waiting for nice weather. Well, it is here and I shall rejoice!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Project 365: #87 - Camera Shy

87 of 365 by caliguyinmn
87 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
So maybe camera shy is not the best way to describe this dog. Let's just say she didn't care for the camera one bit. Not only did she not care for the camera, but anytime I came near her the rest of the night she was hesitant to let me within arm's length. I just love this shot because she looks like she is saying "Get that dang thing out of my face before I bite you... again." I can hear her growl as I took this. You can tell she is a sweet dog, but you get a camera around here and she is not the same at all. Lessons learned tonight: Be careful when you mix photography and animals, and always ask your subject if she is comfortable with you photographing her first.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Project 365: #86 - Impatient Duck

86 of 365 by caliguyinmn
86 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
Despite an awesome day with temperatures well into the 50's, I was shocked to see ducks out on the lake. Don't they know it's still frozen?! This guy wasn't the only duck to be walking the frozen lake. They were aplenty and fought for the few patches of water, leaving the rest to search out melted spots further in toward the middle. Although I think they are all just a bit crazy, I understand what must be motivating them to be on the lake prematurely. I too want nothing more than summer to be here and have on numerous occasions forced myself outdoors well before it was comfortable to do so. Soon enough the ice will completely disappear and ducks will flock, swim and nest. We all long for those days, humans and ducks alike.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Project 365: #85 - Jumping and Singing

85 of 365 by caliguyinmn
85 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
Today was as close to photography heaven as I've come. Not only was the weather tolerable but there were just wisps of clouds in the sky. It was a bright, sunny day with bluest of skys. As soon as I got to the Lake Harriet bandshell I was immediately drawn to the lighting it provided. There were a number of posed shots we did, which I am beyond pleased with, in the bandshell but this one was more spontaneous. I used the off camera flash just to the front left of the camera and all three girls are well-lit. This is definitely a top five photo for the Project 365. Much more to come from this shoot soon. I hope you enjoy it!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Project 365: #84 - Fruit Tart

84 of 365 by caliguyinmn
84 of 365, a photo by caliguyinmn on Flickr.
Today I had a plan of exactly what I was going to shoot. There was a housewarming party I was going to and I knew there would be good shots of food just begging to be shot. Sure enough these delicious treats were as pleasing to the eye as they were to the taste buds. My personal favorites were the blueberry tarts; not too sour but sure sweet. Food shots are fun because rather than communicating a message or story, these kind of photos appeal to the viewer's sense of taste. After all, they "look" delicious, do they not? So, although I'm tired of shooting indoors, there are still some great shots to be had. And for tomorrow, I have a session..... wait for it ....outside! Time for some creativity and beautiful photos. Goodnight!